API Reference
Complete reference documentation for the AI Computer Python client library. Learn about all available classes, methods, and configuration options.
The main class for interacting with AI Computer. Handles sandbox creation, code execution, and resource management.
- Create and manage sandboxes
- Execute code synchronously or streaming
- Configure resource limits
- Handle cleanup and errors
Response Types
Data structures returned by API methods, including execution results and error information.
- SandboxResponse
- ExecutionResponse
- StreamEvent
- Error types
Event types and data structures used in streaming execution and real-time updates.
- Output events (stdout/stderr)
- Status events
- Error events
- Completion events
Configuration options and environment variables for customizing client behavior.
- Client settings
- Resource limits
- Network configuration
- Environment variables
Getting Help
If you need help with the API or encounter any issues:
- Check our examples for common use cases
- Read the core concepts documentation
- Contact our support team for assistance